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秒大刀 博客

好好学习 天天向上





2006-03-28 00:17:52|  分类: C/C++ |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |

//问题描述:  Define a struct Data to keep track of dates. Provide functions
// that read Dates from input, write Dates to output, and initialize a Date
// with a date.
//备注:      对输入日期的处理上容错能力不强。
//作者:      杨明哲
//完成日期:  2005-03-25
//BUG报告;  dearymz@163.com

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

namespace ymz
 struct Date
  short year;//–32,768 to 32,767
  short month;
  short day;

 int IsLeapYear(unsigned short year)
   || year%400==0)
   return 1;
   return 0;
 int DatePerMonth(short int year, short month)
  assert(month <= 12 && month >=1);//注意月份的合法性范围
  static unsigned short datePerMonth[]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
  if(month != 2)//不是二月
   return datePerMonth[month];
  else if(IsLeapYear(year))//闰年二月
   return datePerMonth[month] + 1;//29
   return datePerMonth[month];//28
 int DatePerMonth(const Date& date)
  return DatePerMonth(date.year, date.month);
 void GetDate(ymz::Date* today)//对于要从参数传出计算结果的,建议使用指针而不是引用。
  SYSTEMTIME time;//Windows Platform SDK: Windows System Information
  GetSystemTime(&time);//调用Win API得到当前的时间。也可以利用DOS平台的相关函数
  today->day = time.wDay;
  today->month = time.wMonth;
  today->year = time.wYear;
 const int bufSize = 64;
 istream& operator>>(istream& istr, ymz::Date& date)
  date.day = date.month = date.year = -1;
  char c;

  /*char buf[bufSize + 1];
  char s[3][bufSize + 1];
  istr.getline(buf, bufSize);
  int current = 0;
  int currentIndex = 0;
  bool blank = true;
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < bufSize && current < 3; i++)
   char c = buf[i];
    blank = false;
    s[current][currentIndex] = c;
     blank = true;
     s[current][currentIndex] = '\0';
     currentIndex = 0;
  s[current][currentIndex] = '\0';

  date.year = atoi(s[0]);
  date.month = atoi(s[1]);
  date.day = atoi(s[2]);*/

  if( date.month <= 0 || date.month >12 ||
   date.day <= 0 || date.day > ymz::DatePerMonth(date))
   throw "输入的日期不合法!";
  return istr;

 ostream& operator<<(ostream& ostr, ymz::Date& date)
  return ostr;

void main()
  ymz::Date date;
 catch(char* ex)

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