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秒大刀 博客

好好学习 天天向上





2006-02-25 14:39:55|  分类: 技术积累 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |



//Simple Genetic Algorithm

//Version 1.0

//Programmed by Jim Zhou, 1994.12.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <conio.h>


//The Definition of Constant

#define POPSIZE 500 //population size

#define MAXIMIZATION 1  //maximization flag

#define MINIMIZATION 2  //minimization flag


//The Definition of User Data

//(For different problem, there are some difference.)

#define Cmax    100 //certain maximal value

#define Cmin    0   //certain minimun value

#define LENGTH1 10  //the chromosome length of 1st variable

#define LENGTH2 10  //the chromosome length of 2nd variable

#define CHROMLENGTH LENGTH1 + LENGTH2 //total length of chromosome

int FunctionMode = MAXIMIZATION; //optimization type

int PopSize = 80;   //population size

int MaxGeneration = 200;    //max number of generation

double Pc = 0.6;    //probability of crossover

double Pm = 0.001;  //probability of mutation


//The definition of data structure

struct individual   //data structre of individual


    char chrom[CHROMLENGTH + 1];    //astring of code representing individual

    double value;   //object value of this individual

    double fitness;     //fitness of this individual



//The definition of global variables

int generation; //number of generation

int best_index; //index of best individual

int worst_index; //index of worst individual

struct individual bestindividual;   //best individual of current generation

struct individual worstindividual;  //worst individual of current generation

struct individual currentbest;  //best indibidual by now

struct individual population[POPSIZE];  //population


//Declaration of Prototype

void GenerateInitialPopulation(void);

void GenerateNextPopulation(void);

void EvaluatePopulation(void);

long DecodeChromosome(char *, int, int);

void CalculateObjectValue(void);

void CalulateFitnessValue(void);

void FindBestAndWorstIndividual(void);

void PerformEvolution(void);

void SelectionOperator(void);

void CrossoverOperator(void);

void MutationOperator(void);

void OutputTextReport(void);

int random(int max);


//main program

void main(void)


    generation = 0;//设置初始状态的代数



    while(generation < MaxGeneration)


        generation ++;






    printf("[The best answer is 3905.926227] in the abstract.");





//Generate the first population.

void GenerateInitialPopulation(void)


    int i,j;


    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));

    for(i = 0; i < PopSize; i++)


        for(j = 0; j < CHROMLENGTH; j++)


            population[i].chrom[j] = (random(10) < 5) ? '0' : '1';


        population[i].chrom[CHROMLENGTH] = '\0';






//Initialise the first generation

void GenerateNextPopulation(void)









//Evaluate population according to certain formula.

void EvaluatePopulation(void)


    CalculateObjectValue(); //calculate object value;

    CalulateFitnessValue(); //calculate fitness value;

    FindBestAndWorstIndividual();//find the best and worst individual





//To decode a binary chromosome into a decimal interger

//Note: the returend value may be plus, or minus.

//      For different coding metho, this value may be changed into "unsigned int"

long DecodeChromosome(char* string, int point, int length)


    int i;

    long decimal = 0L;

    char* pointer;


    for(i = 0, pointer = string + point; i < length; i++, pointer++)


        decimal += (*pointer - '0') << (length - 1 - i);


    return (decimal);



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